• Appreciating the Art of Chinese Garden Architecture – The Summer Palace, Created by Humans, Yet Resembling Nature 中国园林建筑艺术赏析——虽由人作,宛若天成的颐和园

  • Popular Science | The Early Nations Born in Beijing Bay: Yan and Ji 史说北京 | 北京湾里诞生的早期国家——燕国和蓟国 

  • The Cultural and Creative Design Industry Alliance along the Grand Canal is Established 大运河沿线城市文创设计产业联盟成立

  • The grand opening of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics at the Bird’s Nest 北京2022年冬奥会在鸟巢盛大开幕

  • Symphony and Peking Opera Fusion, “The Grand Canal of Beijing” Debuts at Shanghai Grand Theatre 交响乐与京剧融合,《京城大运河》亮相上海大剧院

  • The “Fuxing Ship” comes loaded with happiness and hope… – Written on the occasion of the “Fuxing Ship” boarding the Qinghai Tibet Railway “复兴号”满载幸福和希望驶来……——写在“复兴号”驶上青藏铁路之际

  • Time flies, strolling through the Great Barrier to find the “Beijing style” 历久弥新,逛大栅栏寻“京味儿”

  • The “Central Park” in Beijing covers an area of over 11 square kilometers and is perfectly planned 北京的“中央公园”,占地面积超过11平方公里,规划得很完美

  • Since May Day, 100000 people have experienced the Badaling Night Great Wall! “五一”至今,10万人次体验八达岭夜长城!

The Unique Charm of Pekinese Culture 京城京韵

  • Beijing’s Top Ten Courtyards, Mao Dun’s Former Residence on the List, the First Being the Most Expensive Courtyard Complex in Beijing 北京十大顶级四合院,茅盾故居上榜,第一是北京最贵的四合院建筑群

  • Entering the Most Cultural Hutongs in Beijing – Liulichang 走进北京最具文化的胡同——琉璃厂

  • The Story of the Old Summer Palace: Emerging from Devastation, Still the Most Beautiful Garden 圆明园的故事:走出满目疮痍,归来仍是万园之园

  • The Soul of Beijing, Beijing Opera, a Great Place to Listen to Beijing Opera 京魂京韵话京剧,北京听京剧的好地方

Beijing Events Chronicle over 3000 years 京都纪事

  • The Unknown Archaeological Stories of Beijing’s 3000-Year Urban History and 800-Year Capital History. 3000年建城史、800年建都史,你所不知道的北京城考古故事

  • Moving the Capital in Nearly 20 Years, 14 Years of Construction for the Forbidden City: Zhu Di and the “Fate” of Beijing 用近20年迁都,历时14年修建紫禁城:朱棣与北京的“缘”

  • Counting the Development Process of Beijing as the Capital, Continuing to the Present, with Great Significance 细数北京成为首都的发展历程,延续至今,意义重大

  • Popular Science | How Much Do You Know About Beijing’s History as a Capital? 科普 | 北京建都史你了解多少?

Hall H-- Beijing’s lush traditional Heritage 民俗展馆

  • After Two Years of Restoration, Restoring Traditional Crafts, the 700-year-old Dongyue Temple Welcomes Visitors Again 历经两年修缮,恢复传统工艺,700岁东岳庙再迎客

  • Following These Routes, Finding the Imperial Traditional Crafts Hidden in Beijing’s Hutongs 沿着这些路线,找藏在北京胡同里的宫廷老手艺

  • Imperial Court Snacks, Folk Delicacies 宫廷御点 民俗小食

  • Not Just Any Duck Can Be Made into “Beijing Roast Duck”! 不是随随便便一只鸭子,都能被做成“北京烤鸭”!

Tongzhou Grand Canal’s Grand History 千年运河

  • Grand Canal Cultural Tourism Scenic Area Creation Summit Forum 大运河文化旅游景区创建高峰论坛

  • One Picture Reading | Beijing Grand Canal Cultural Belt Atlas 一图读懂 |北京大运河文化带图鉴

  • The Millennium Canal Welcomes a Century of Revival 千年运河迎来世纪复苏

  • Symphony and Peking Opera Fusion, “The Grand Canal of Beijing” Debuts at Shanghai Grand Theatre 交响乐与京剧融合,《京城大运河》亮相上海大剧院

  • “Canal Road” Transforms into an “Ecological Corridor” – The Grand Canal Takes on a New Look “漕运河道”变身“生态走廊” 大运河焕发新风貌

  • The Grand Canal Races to Create a 5A Scenic Spot, Painting a New Picture for the Sub-center 大运河冲刺创建5A景区 绘就副中心新画卷

  • The Two Banks of the Clear Water Are Revitalized – The Grand Canal Resurrects with New Vitality 碧水汤汤润两岸——大运河再现新生机

  • The Old City Transforms with a New Look! The Grand Canal Connects the Sub-center with Ancient Charm and Modern Brilliance 老城换新颜!大运河串起副中心古韵今辉

Beijing through the lens 视觉北京

  • The grand opening of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics at the Bird’s Nest 北京2022年冬奥会在鸟巢盛大开幕

  • These classic photos of the 70th anniversary of the 2019 National Day parade are worth cherishing! 2019国庆70周年阅兵 丨这些经典照片,值得珍藏!

  • The awarding ceremony of the National Medal and National Honors of the People’s Republic of China was held in Beijing, China 中华人民共和国国家勋章和国家荣誉称号颁授仪式在京隆重举行

  • Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, yyds! 北京奥运会开幕式,yyds!

  • The “Fuxing Ship” comes loaded with happiness and hope… – Written on the occasion of the “Fuxing Ship” boarding the Qinghai Tibet Railway “复兴号”满载幸福和希望驶来……——写在“复兴号”驶上青藏铁路之际

  • The Beauty of the Capital ● Hutong 京城之美●胡同

  • Since May Day, 100000 people have experienced the Badaling Night Great Wall! “五一”至今,10万人次体验八达岭夜长城!

  • The frozen reflection of Yanqi Lake is gorgeous, resembling the “realm of the sky” 雁栖湖结冰 倒影绚丽似“天空之境”

Beijing Central Axis—The Beauty of Order 中轴之美

  • This “axis of architectural culture” is too beautiful to move. 这条“建筑文化之轴”,美得让人挪不开脚步

  • Decoding the city sample of cultural self-confidence 解码文化自信的城市样本

  • The “Central Park” in Beijing covers an area of more than 11 square kilometers and is well planned. 北京的“中央公园”,占地面积超过11平方公里,规划得很完美

  • Remembering the past and caring for the present outside the Di ‘an Gate 地安门外怀古抚今

National Common Language Micro Classroom 国家通用语言微课堂

  • Learn from Me | Micro Classroom – Zhuang Language Lesson 008 跟我学|微课堂-壮族语 第008课

  • Learn from Me | Micro Classroom – Zhuang Language Lesson 007 跟我学|微课堂-壮族语 第007课

  • Learn from Me | Micro Classroom – Zhuang Language Lesson 006 跟我学|微课堂-壮族语 第006课

  • Learn from Me | Micro Classroom – Zhuang Language Lesson 005 跟我学|微课堂-壮族语 第005课

  • Learn from Me | Micro Classroom – Zhuang Language Lesson 004 跟我学|微课堂-壮族语 第004课

  • Learn from Me | Micro Classroom – Zhuang Language Lesson 003 跟我学|微课堂-壮族语 第003课

  • Learn from Me | Micro Classroom – Zhuang Language Lesson 002 跟我学|微课堂-壮族语 第002课

  • Learn from Me | Micro Classroom – Zhuang Language Lesson 001 跟我学|微课堂-壮族语 第001课