- 总编寄语
- 当前中国文化视窗的发展出现了崭新的蓝图,
- 取得基础上建设基础的成绩,它紧密联系了
- 我国56个民族文化资源丰富多彩的实际,
- 提出了要建设成为中国与世界各国、
- 各民族之间的文化交流与互动的国际化桥梁,
- 全新改版后,中国文化视窗的各类节目板块
- 及各国家分台,清晰绘就了中国文化视窗面
- 向世界发展的“路线图”。
- 这一举措,充分体现了中国文化视窗
- 全体工作者的共同愿望,凸显了中国的特色,
- 对促进我国文化软实力发展,
- 将起到积极的推动作用。
- 面向全球,
- 中国文化视窗的全体同仁要加强学习、
- 勤于汲取、善于应用一切科学的新思想、
- 新知识、新技能,为创作传媒精品
- 打下扎实基础,
- 不断推出更多具有中国精神的精品力作,
- 以扩大中国文化的影响力,
- 为人类文明与发展,
- 提供强有力的知识保障和必要的条件。
- Editor’s Message
- Now there is a new development blueprint
- opened for CCNTV,which summarized the
- result and revealed the close relations
- with 56 Chinese ethnic groups,
- CCNTV serves as an important
- window & bridge for China’s
- cultural exchanges with the
- rest of the world.
- After the redecoration, CCNTV forum has
- been separated from the columns
- and countries,it shows CCNTV’
- s development road map.
- The move also represent all
- CCNTV colleagues’ common
- wish to promote Chinese culture industry
- which improving our nation’s
- comprehensive strength.
- For global audience,
- CCNTV’s colleagues must improve
- skills、renew ideas、have wide
- knowledge and unremitting
- efforts to lay a solid foundation
- for the creation of media works.
- Seek perfect quality, constantly launch
- excellent piece and takes the crucial
- commitment referring to the research,
- publicity and expanding the
- influence to the outside world is
- our endless goal.